My Liquid Mulch Development Team

Ruben Lenz

Ruben Lenz is a Polysaccharide Chemist, the inventor of Liquid Mulch, President, and owner of Advanced Micro Polymers Inc.

Erika Smit

Erika Smit worked as the Comptroller for the project.

Hermann Lenz

Hermann Lenz

Hermann Lenz was the engineer that helped with both the manufacturing and application equipment design.

Mika Lenz

Mika Lenz was involved in many aspects of the development of the process. He built the application equipment, the application equipment, and did most of the field trial applications.

Kimberly Robles

Kimberly Robles

Kimberly Robles was the Project Manager. She coordinated with customers, suppliers, government agencies, and internally to keep the project on track. She was also involved in many of the field trials and University projects that lead to published papers.

Vanessa Robles

Vanessa Robles

Vanessa Robles prepared samples, did lab testing, and was also involved with field trials.