How Liquid Mulch Benefits You

Plants grow on average 30% bigger

According to a field trial done at UPM by the Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay, plants treated with Liquid Mulch grow up to 26% taller with stems 50% larger than plants that were not treated with anything.  Plants treated with Liquid Mulch also grew up to 14% taller and stems 29% larger than plants treated with herbicides. This is because of reduced weed competition and increased water retention in the soil.

About 85% fewer weeds

Not only does Liquid Mulch help growers and landscapers control weeds, but it also helps the desirable plants flourish. This is a picture of Liquid Mulch (Nursery Grade) applied to potted trees at EarthGen. The data collected here corresponded well with all the other data that was collected by different institutions. Not only do the pots treated with Liquid Mulch look nicer but the trees are healthier, fuller, and bigger.

All natural, completely biodegradable, no microplastics, no chemical residues

Liquid Mulch is made entirely from polysaccharides. It does contain any petrochemicals or plastics. Therefore, it is entirely consumed by the microbes in the soil during the season. There are no residues or left-over films that need to be removed.

Not harmful to animals, insects or humans

Liquid Mulch is not a herbicide and does not contain any chemicals harmful to plants, animals, insects, or humans. It is a blend of natural and sustainable polysaccharides.

Increases seedling or slip survivability

Since Liquid Mulch helps preserve moisture in the soil, seedlings or slips do not dry out as easily and since it reduces competition from weeds, more seedlings or slips survive and thrive better with Liquid than without.

Can be used along waterways

Liquid Mulch is made entirely from polysaccharides. It does contain any petrochemicals or plastics. And since it binds with the top layer of the soil, there is no run-off or chemicals that can leach into nearby waterways.

Does not need to be removed

Since Liquid Mulch is made from polysaccharides, it degrades over time leaving no residue or micro-plastics in the soil. It is consumed by the microorganisms in the soil. It does not degrade by the action of sunlight or by water. It will degrade faster in hot and humid conditions when there are a lot of microorganisms in the soil. And it will degrade slower in cold, dry conditions or when there is very little bioactivity in the soil. It lasts indefinitely in sterile soil, no matter what the environmental conditions are.

Water 45% less

Liquid Mulch reduces the amount of water that evaporates from the soil. This is especially important in climates where the sun can quickly dry out the soil and cause stress to the root system. This property has been tested by many organizations in many geographies and under many different environmental conditions. Examples of places were this property was tested include: Arizona (USA), Holland (Europe) Ontario (Canada), Quebec (Canada), Santiago (Chile), and Uruguay. All the results agree that Liquid Mulch reduces the rate at which water is lost from the soil by at least 45%.

Less soil erosion - Prevents dust

Since the Liquid Mulch binds with the top 5 mm of soil (or more), it prevents heavy rains from washing the soil away, especially on hills. Also, the rain cannot run under the Liquid Mulch washing the soil out from underneath as it can with fabrics and films that lie in top of the soil.